Earthen Vessel

A cup overflowing with me and my humble personal poetry.
Cracked and broken, I'm remade on the wheel of time and change.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Sweet Autumn Night

The buttered sun sprinkles violet sugar sparkles,
a white milk moon and cookie clouds.
Broken bits of vanilla sky float through
summer-baked cooling autumn air.
Drinking in the evening glow and sweeted shine,
I taste this sweet autumn night.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Definition of vessel

ves·sel n
1. a hollow receptacle, especially one that is used as a container for liquids
2. a ship or large boat
3. a flying craft, especially an airship
4. a duct that carries fluid, especially blood or lymph, around the body
5. a tube that carries water and dissolved minerals through a plant, forming part of the sap-conducting tissue (xylem).
Also called trachea
6. somebody seen as the recipient or embodiment of a quality

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

I intend this blog to embody definitions numbers 1 and 6.

Monday, September 27, 2004


Toast browns
while I wait with butter

"Sit down"
Slow speech with half smiles makes
My heart pound with
needles and doctors
    She's sick
The door shuts and I'm alone

while toast, nearly burned,
waits with butter.

Written in 1998

Sunday, September 26, 2004


hung between two silken threads
my life is a golden balance
half of me is hung with life
and the other with the dead.
dragged down so very deep,
I try to cut death's steely cord
but demise weighs more than lead
and strangles peaceful sleep.
I hang myself with life's cords
and murder life's gentle joy.

Written during the angst of adolescence, maybe 1996?

To Do

Laundry to do
Beds to make
Rooms to dust
Rugs to shake

Clocks to wind
Wheels to turn
Books to read
Lessons to learn

Thoughts to think
Notions to write
Dreams to dream
Injustice to fight

Tears to cry
Anger to throw
Fear to be scared
Sadness to know

Joy to feel
Love to give
Smiles to smile
Life to live

Written maybe 8 years ago - 1996?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Desire Life

I read somewhere that lines of poetry that end without punctuation should be read without stopping. This poem was written with that style in mind.

desire life.
the whispered husk of being
slides easily away.
to live and to be the given breath,
birthed into being
loved and loving the in and out of life.
inhale life's birth; exhale into still death.
desire life.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Pot's Perversity

I wish that I was clay
and God the sculpting hands.
He would shape me to his will,
a self portrait you could say.

A kiln, never would I see.
My shape would ever change.
Why stop the potter's wheel,
with God's endless possibility?

(Isaiah 29: 13-16)

Written 1997